Blue String Hanging Out of Vagina 3 Weeks Postpartum

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stitches hanging out

I'm 4 weeks pp and in the shower today I noticed a string hanging out of my vagina. I pulled gently and it's still connected. I got queasy so I didn't try I look again with a mirror. I thought stitches were was literally a red string about 2-3 cm long hanging out. Red maybe from blood?

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My stitches have always been black.. So idk.. But I've always had dissolvable ones. Maybe they are the kind your dr has to remove at 6week check up.


Mine were yellow ish. They were supposed to be dissolvable I think and they just slowly fell out a little at a time.

I just looked again and it's a thin black feels like when I first had stitches again but no itching slight swelling no pain.


My dissolvable stitches started unraveling at a week pp. They started hurting bad so I called yesterday and they told me to come in. I just got back from the doctor and he cut the remaining stitches and said it should still heal fine but I need to get checked in 2 weeks. So I do think it's a big deal that yours are coming out, but you probably should have your doctor look at them and make sure it's not infected.


I remember with my first I saw it hanging out I left it and it went away. Don't pull leave it alone! Your body knows what to do!!!


Oh wow... I already made an appointment for tomorrow and its a pretty long fish line pain though so I guess that's always good


Did yours heal alright at your pp check up? Mine is a good 2 inches long of black line..

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