How to Make Walking on Concrete Easy


Published on October 21st, 2019 | by Sophie Elise

Tips to Avoid Foot Pain Walking on Concrete

For many reasons, you may need to walk on concrete surfaces. If you walk a long distance on such surfaces or walk there regularly, you might have got foot pain. Those who work on a concrete floor may also face this problem.

While the problem is just foot pain, reasons can vary. So, a single solution may not work in all those cases. In this article, you will get solutions to the problems from different perspectives of the reason behind the pain. Let's get started.

Wear footwear that best fits your size

When you walk on concrete, it's easy to have foot pain if your shoes don't match the size of your feet. A smaller size will give you pain, and a larger size will make your walking uncomfortable. So, buy shoes that fit your feet well- not a bit smaller, not a bit larger.

Get quality shoes

Quality shoes play an essential role in avoiding foot pain on concrete. Buy shoes made of quality components. Ensure the boots are faultless. Low-quality shoes don't ensure smooth walking, and any part may tear on the concrete surfaces. If a part of it splits, it may give you a small nightmare on the road! So, get quality shoes for walking on concrete for avoiding pain.

Get a suitable sole

Many soles that are suitable for other surfaces may not be right for walking on concrete. Thin soles of shoes make your foot sole feel the hard concrete surface so bad. You should wear shoes with thick soles, so they don't bother you with foot pain on concrete. Protalus Insoles are designed to help with other conditions such as shin splints, calf, and Achilles tightness, hammertoes, heel spurs, lower back pain, plantar fasciitis, and Morton's neuroma.

Keep the weight down

Keeping weight under a certain level can help you avoid foot pain while walking on the concrete. The heavier you are, your feet get the more pressure from your upper body's weight. So, if your weight is an issue, work on cutting some weight.

Stretch your muscle

Stretching gives your muscles flexibility that helps avoid foot pain. It prevents the muscles from cramping and escalate the blood flow. Thus it minimizes your foot pain. If you get some time while walking on concrete, stretch your feet.

Avoid high-heel

Hi-heels are not suitable for walking as it's not comfortable. It also poses some problems for your health. The balls of your feet get more pressure from the high-heels. Jane Pontious, the chair of the Department of Podiatric Surgery at Temple University, explains that the pain on the balls of the feet, aroused from the high heels, can even lead to stress fractures over time. It also causes other diseases like plantar fasciitis on the heel. As a preventive measure, you can consider these shoes designed to avoid plantar fasciitis. A medical condition that some people are born with but also that can be treated by a specialist. A great pair of insoles for boots designed to relieve you from pain will help you tremendously.

Sit down and take rest

Walking or standing on concrete for a long time may have acute impacts on your feet and overall health. So whenever you get some time or get a break, sit down and take some rest. It will allow your feet-muscles to relax and avoid further pain.

Use anti-fatigue mats if possible

Anti-fatigue mats give a comfortable walk and help people avoid foot pain. If it's possible, you can use anti-fatigue mats to avoid pain. You may consider doing this if you regularly work at a concrete surface, and it is feasible to cover the surface with anti-fatigue mats.

Use different shoes

You may feel uncomfortable if you wear the same shoes every day. Changing shoes can help you avoid that discomfort. You can have some pairs of shoes and rotate them one by one around the week.

Replace shoes regularly

Using the same shoes for a long time may be a reason for the pain on your feet. Most shoes lose their cushioning over time and become harsher gradually. These old shoes will easily cause pain on your feet. To avoid this, replace your shoes every six months.

Do some yoga

Yoga can make it possible to avoid or reduce foot pain. Already got pain on your feet for walking on concrete? Yoga will relieve your pain. Or, got a break after walking some distance? Before starting again, do some Yoga. It gives you relief from existing pain and reduces the possibility of getting pain after you walk on concrete. Relaxation techniques described in this article can help you get relief from stress.

Check your posture while standing

Whenever you stand in your walking journey on concrete, make sure your posture is right. The wrong position may add to the pain. So, stand with the correct posture to avoid foot pain.

Find the fault

Find out why you are getting pain on the feet. Is there anything wrong with the existing shoes? Check the design, the thickness of the sole, size, comfort, etc. If you find any reason for the pain, replace your shoes, and get a better one that doesn't have the fault like the previous one.

Test and find the best shoes for you

Testing may help you discover the right shoes for you for walking on concrete. You better know what is comfortable or what is not to you. Test some potential shoes, and you will find the perfect shoes.

Wear supportive socks

Some socks are not comfortable, and they contribute to increasing your foot pain. Find the best compression socks for you for walking on concrete. Avoid socks that are not comfortable for you.

Prefer comfort to style while choosing shoes

Sometimes, you need to focus on your purpose. Getting the perfect shoes that don't hurt you on the concrete ground may also require a bit of your compromise. Stylish shoes may sometimes cause pain to your feet.

Reduce the weight of your bag

The weight of your bag or other stuff can make your foot pain more acute in two ways. One, the extra weight will create extra pressure on your feet, and as a result, it will cause pain in your feet. Two, a bag or other things can affect your posture while you are walking. The wrong position may add some extra strain on your feet.


Walking on concrete causes pain in your feet for many reasons. Concrete is just one element that contributes to the problem. But most other reasons are not related to concrete, rather they are related to what shoes you wear, how you wear shoes, how you walk, whether you take some rest, whether you carry a heavy bag and so on.

Executing all the tips given above may be unfeasible for anyone who walks on concrete. Find the reason behind the pain in your foot and match with the tips. Apply the tips that solve your particular problem.

Tags: foot, footwear, health, pain, posture, shoes

About the Author

is a passionate cyclist, author, and blogger. She is very passionate about writing on different types of women's bikes, accessories, health, fitness and more. She regularly writes on


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