Can I Hook Up Two Antennas to One Tv
Can I connect two antennas to ane recast using splitter?
asked on December 10, 2019
Showing 1-10 of eleven answers
Yes, you lot can do that. Y'all volition need an RG6 cable Goggle box splitter that you will use in contrary. Make sure the ii RG6 cables you use from each antenna to the splitter are exactly the same in type and length otherwise you could feel signal timing differences which will amount to multipath point distortion. The port labeled "input" on your splitter will actually be your output indicate continued to a third RG6 cable going into to your Fire TV Recast box. You may withal feel multipath distortion problems, but hopefully not. "Good Dark and Good Luck.". ----ChillyDogg
I'yard well-nigh to effort this deed, and for the person who asked , why 2 antennas not all television receiver towers fix in the same location , so if your using a certain type instead of a 360° antenna you can actually but point it in that direction luckily most of our channels originate from a major urban center only nether thirty miles away so if that location doesn't have a certain network your interested in and say it's in a 90° unlike direction yous are capable of installing a second antenna from what I take learned . That should work out fine.
Using 2 antennas can be catchy. Depending where you place them. The corporeality of coax cable between both antennas should exist the same length from the antenna to the,(splitter/combined). If y'all have more line on one antenna than the other, it tin mess with your betoken. Tho I do believe y'all can purchase a specialty splitter to combine 2 antennas. Sadly I've not used the specialty splitter. Then I tin't say whether or non it volition work in your situation.
Using a splitter in reverse is not "splitting an antenna," so information technology isn't "3db down" like it would unremarkably be with a splitter. Instead, using a splitter in reverse results in MERGING the signals from ii antennas into one combined signal. Sometimes people cull to practise this if they have TV stations in different directions… encounter more than Using a splitter in reverse is non "splitting an antenna," so it isn't "3db downward" similar information technology would normally be with a splitter. Instead, using a splitter in opposite results in MERGING the signals from 2 antennas into ane combined signal. Sometimes people choose to exercise this if they have TV stations in different directions on the compass. So instead of aiming one antenna between the diverse TV stations resulting in an averaged reception, instead you aim one separate, discrete antenna toward each station cluster, so combine the 2 signals from those 2 antennas into one point path into your receiver. Other than a chance of yielding possible multipath bespeak errors, this is a perfectly adequate and effective remedy for people who alive "in the in-betweens." Make certain you employ identical RG6 cables from each antenna into the splitter (or used in this manner, nosotros can call information technology a "combiner" merely the function you use is still just a splitter used in reverse) Those RG6 cables should be identical in length every bit well as in make & model. encounter less Using a splitter in reverse is not "splitting an antenna," so it isn't "3db downwardly" similar it would commonly be with a splitter. Instead, using a splitter in opposite results in MERGING the signals from 2 antennas into ane combined betoken. Sometimes people cull to practise this if they have Telly stations in different directions on the compass. And so instead of aiming one antenna betwixt the various TV stations resulting in an averaged reception, instead yous aim one carve up, detached antenna toward each station cluster, so combine the two signals from those two antennas into i signal path into your receiver. Other than a adventure of yielding possible multipath bespeak errors, this is a perfectly acceptable and effective remedy for people who alive "in the in-betweens." Make sure yous use identical RG6 cables from each antenna into the splitter (or used in this manner, nosotros tin call it a "combiner" merely the part you lot utilise is even so just a splitter used in reverse) Those RG6 cables should be identical in length too equally in make & model.
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Yes you can. I take two antennas hooked to mine using a splitter. Like the others said, you have to make sure that both cables from the splitter to the antennas are exactly the aforementioned length.
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Pondered on this idea, since it takes a couple minutes for the bear witness to come up on, being now information technology is coming from the fire stick. But I am not certain what happens when yous are watching and a scheduled recording comes on at the aforementioned fourth dimension. I ended up getting another antenna for the recast, move it to another place, and go back to watching directly with antenna on tv.
Yep, just whenever you divide an antenna, yous are weakening the indicate. If you have a really strong indicate from your TV towers, information technology won't exist a trouble, but there may be issues with reception if you have weak signals/poor reception in your area.
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Aye you lot tin can I have two antennas one facing towards the East to pickup Fox and CBS and the other towards the southeast to get ABC works fine for usa.
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Why would you want to do that? Yous just need one antenna and if you take multiple Firesticks attached to multiple TVs you can view your local channels and DVR shows on all of those TVs.
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@S.G. You asked why i would desire to utilise two antennas.. answer I live between DC and Baltimore. When I apply one antenna it faces towards Baltimore and picks upwardly the Baltimore stations well. But the DC stations doesn't come up in also well. So I added a second antenna facing towards DC to help choice up them stations better.
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